Practice IFR procedures using VOR, HSI, RMI, ADF and DME.

Basic flight and navigation instruments
Our simulator has one of the most complete panels for training radionavigation procedures. The panel includes three of the most basic flight instruments: Artificial Horizon, Anemometer and Turn Coordinator.
For navigation, it has a VOR, HSI and RMI, three of the most used radionavigation instruments in the world. It also includes an ADF selector for the RMI, so that you can navigate using NDB stations and two VOR receivers.
As in all modern cabins, you will find a DME that will allow you to know the distance to ground stations. So you can navigate air routes, fly arches and other procedures that depend on the distance.
You have more than 100 exercises and challenges that will help you learn or practice each procedure
We designed some navigation charts that can be used to navigate through defined routes, perform DME arcs and and holdings over VORs.
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